Monday, September 9th
Predator-prey interactions: | University of Hohenheim |
Chitinous structures in ecdysozoan species | University of Hohenheim |
Museomics | State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart
Tuesday, September 10th
Adaptation to global environmental change: | University of Hohenheim |
Integrative Taxonomy | University of Hohenheim |
Lunch breaks are self-organized.
You are welcome to eat in the Mensa at the Campus Hohenheim. It is open from 11 am till 2 pm. Please note, that you can pay via EC-card only at the designated cash desks only. Paying cash ist not accepted.
Besides that, you can find several cafes for coffee and snacks close-by.
Subject Group Speaker Meeting
| University of Hohenheim
DZG Board Meeting | University of Hohenheim
Common Meeting of the Subject Groups and the DZG Board | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö1 |
PD Dr. Sven Bradler Prof. Dr. Johannes Steidle Prof. Dr. Caroline Ruiner OPENING LECTURE | University of Hohenheim BIO building Audimax |
Connecting Scientists & Poster hanging (Ice Breaker) | University of Hohenheim Mensa |
Wednesday, September 11th

Prof. Dr. Oleg Simakov Evolutionary topology of animal genomes: irreversible processes and novelty in macroevolution | University of Hohenheim Chair: |

Walter Salzburger The nature of adaptive radiation in the cichlid fishes of Lake Tanganyika More Information | University of Hohenheim Chair: |
Please take a coffee and have some snacks! | University of Hohenheim |
11.30 am | Bettina Schnell Neuronal control of flight turns in Drosophila | University of Hohenheim BIO building Lecture hall HS B1 |
12.00 am | Felix Moll Songbird brain circuits for skilled vocal and non-vocal behaviors |
11.30 am | Matthias Pechmann How to "organize" a spider embryo. Insights into early spider embryogenesis and beyond | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B2 |
12.00 am | Patrick Steinmetz Taller or smaller: How feeding controls body plasticity in a sea anemone |
11.30 am | Jenna Moore How the fairy tube-worm got its dance, and other evolutionary tales of form and function in marine annelids | University of Hohenheim BIO building Lecture hall HS Ö1 |
12.00 am | Francisco J. Ruiz-Ruano Diversity of the germline-restricted chromosome in passerines birds |
11.30 am | Sabine Nooten The role of environmental features in shaping insect traits | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö2 |
12.00 am | Samuel Vieira Boff The influence of environmental stressors and associated landscapes on diet diversity, body traits, and reproduction in wild bees |
Lunch breaks are self-organized.
You are welcome to eat in the Mensa at the Campus Hohenheim. It is open from 11 am till 2 pm. Please note, that you can pay via EC-card only at the designated cash desks only. Paying cash ist not accepted.
Besides that, you can find several cafes for coffee and snacks close-by.
02.00 pm | 01 | Soumi Dutta* Pigment-dispersing factor neuropeptides act as multifunctional hormones and modulators in tardigrades | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B1 |
02.15 pm | 02 | Alexander Klimovich Molecular interplay of conserved and novel genes shapes the neurogenesis of Hydra | |
02.30 pm | 03 | Kerstin Feistel Cranial neural tube closure and embryonic head formation require differential regulation of tissue tension | |
02.45 pm | 04 | Natascha Turetzek (Zhang) The making of a pest - Sense organ diversification on the female Drosophila ovipositor | |
03.00 pm | 05 | Steffen Lemke Elevated temperature fatally disrupts nuclear divisions in the early Drosophila embryo | |
03.15 pm | 06 | Denise Klinkenbuß* From Hormones to Armor: Ecdysteroidogenesis-related Halloween Genes in the Development of the Spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum | |
03.30 pm | 07 | Kristen Panfilio Differentiation dynamics for extraembryonic epithelial cell types | |
03.45 pm | 08 | Autumn Pomreinke Relative timing of hemocyte and extraembryonic tissue dynamics after wounding in the red flour beetle |
02.00 pm | 09 | Richard Merrill Looking for love: Genomics of visual mating preference evolution in Heliconius butterflies | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B2 |
02.15 pm | 10 | Shane Wright Habitat-associated visual system adaptations in Heliconius butterflies | |
02.30 pm | 11 | Alexander Blanke Evolutionary dynamics of wing shape in dragonflies and damselflies | |
02.45 pm | 12 | Eli Amson The early evolution of moles (Mammalia, Talpidae): a humerus story | |
03.00 pm | 13 | Joost Woltering Pleiotropic roles of Alx genes and the repeated origin of anterior fin spines | |
03.15 pm | 14 | Guanliang Meng* Evolutionary Flexibility and Diversification of Daddy-long-leg Spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) | |
03.30 pm | 15 | Carolin Sommer-Trembo The genetic basis of exploratory behavior and its role in diversification in African cichlid fishes | |
03.45 pm | 16 | Marco Mazzoni* The genetics of phenotypic differentiation: Lessons from East African mountain honey bees |
02.00 pm | 17 | Daniela Winkler Past, present, and future of wear analyses of feeding structures in insecta, sauropsida and mammalia | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö1 |
02.15 pm | 18 | Maria Herranz The eye of the (mud) dragon | |
02.30 pm | 19 | Jan Wölfer Internal long bone structure of mouse-like rodents (Muroidea) in light of scaling and locomotor behavior | |
02.45 pm | 21 | Belal Talukder* Olfaction with legs – spiders use wall-pore sensilla for pheromone detection | |
03.00 pm | 20 | Carsten H.G. Müller | |
03.15 pm | 22 | Una Steinleitner* How small morphological peculiarities raise big questions: the unique seminal receptacle structure of a Madagascan freshwater crab of the genus Hydrothelphusa (Decapoda, Brachyura, Deckeniidae) | |
03.30 pm | 23 | Anne Urban* Elastic or stiff? New insights on the ultrastructure and material properties of the vagina of the Zuiderzee crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) [Panopeidae, Brachyura] | |
03.45 pm | 24 | Christoph Bruns* Dynamic Loading in Insect Exoskeletons: Structural Adaptations and Fatigue Damage |
02.00 pm | 25 | Wencke Krings The influence of tooth morphology on the feeding efficiency of paludomid gastropods | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö2 |
02.15 pm | 26 | Stefanie Erhardt* Body mass loss as an early warning signal in the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus)? | |
02.30 pm | 27 | Antonia Mayr Effects of the neonicotinoid Acetamiprid on the social bee Lasioglossum malachurum | |
02.45 pm | 76 | Magdalena Meyer Lessons learned from the Old and New World: Exploring the interplay between biodiversity and zoonotic diseases in wildlife | |
03.00 pm | 29 | Jan Buellesbach The comparatively simple genetic basis of sexual attractiveness in parasitic wasps | |
03.15 pm | 30 | Andreas Fischer Aging virgin females of the false widow spider (Steatoda grossa) engage in dishonest pheromone signaling | |
03.30 pm | 31 | Eric Grubmüller* Guardians of the grave: Microbial management in burying beetles and its implications for carrion preservation and rival avoidance | |
03.45 pm | 32 | Elisabeth Riedel* Larval Drosophila melanogaster development and expression of life history traits in a symbiont-by-environment defined niche space |
Please take a coffee and have some snacks! | University of Hohenheim |
04.30 pm | 33 | Markéta Kaucká Cell lineages in development and evolution of the face | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B1 |
04.45 pm | 34 | Andrea P Murillo Rincon Cell lineages and developmental trajectories of the embryonic olfactory epithelium |
04.30 pm | 35 | Athena Syarifa* Does learned bird song drive reproductive isolation in the willow tit? | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B2 |
04.45 pm | 36 | Ulrich Knief Prezygotic reproductive isolation and phenotypic variation across the willow tit song contact zone in southern Germany |
04.30 pm | 37 | Peter Rühr* Multifaceted Analysis of Arthropod Vision | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö1 |
04.45 pm | 38 | Torben Göpel Morphology, Development and Function of the heart in Daphnia revealed by light-sheet fluorescence microscopy |
04.30 pm | 39 | Eva Ehrnsten Combining empirical data with individual and population-level modeling to predict the effects of environmental change on the key benthic bivalve Macoma balthica | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö2 |
04.45 pm | 40 | Igor Iatsenko The endosymbiont Spiroplasma poulsonii increases Drosophila melanogaster resistance to pathogens by enhancing iron-sequestration and melanization |
Official awarding of the
| University of Hohenheim BIO Building Audimax |
Sylvia Cremer Teamwork in der Natur: Wie bleiben Insektenkolonien gesund? | Universität Hohenheim Chair: |
Thursday, September 12th

Rudolf Meier Using high-throughput species discovery with robots and Nanopore sequencing to overcome taxon biases in biodiversity science More Information | University of Hohenheim Chair: |
10.00 – 11.00 am | Anne-Claire Fabre: Development as a driver or a brake of morphological diversity?

Anne-Claire Fabre Development as a driver or a brake of morphological diversity? More Information | University of Hohenheim Chair: |
Please take a coffee and have some snacks! | University of Hohenheim |
11.30 am | Vienna Kowallik Short time, big impact – host-microbiome interactions in the Anthropocene (stories from honey bees and bark beetles) | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B1 |
12.00 am | Panagiotis Theodorou Evolution in the Anthropocene: Bees and Urbanisation |
11.30 am | Liliana d'Alba Egg Morphology at the Nanoscale | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B2 |
12.00 am | Brendon E. Boudinot History, Novelty, and Function: Cases from Beetles and Wasps |
11.30 am | Borbala Foris Social relationships in farmed animals and its impact on welfare | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö1 |
12.00 am | Liran Samuni Evaluating the Evolutionary Roots of Cooperation and Conflict through the lens of Pan |
11.30 am | Nicolas Rohner Metabolic Adaptation to Nutrient Limitation in Vertebrates | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö2 |
12.00 am | Stefan Schuster High voltage immunity in strongly electric fish |
Lunch breaks are self-organized.
You are welcome to eat in the Mensa at the Campus Hohenheim. It is open from 11 am till 2 pm. Please note, that you can pay via EC-card only at the designated cash desks only. Paying cash ist not accepted.
Besides that, you can find several cafes for coffee and snacks close-by.
02.00 pm | 41 | Elizaveta Skalon* How parasitism shapes spiralians: the story of Orthonectida | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B1 |
02.15 pm | 42 | Marie Pollmann Host-dependent variations in Spiroplasma-induced CI expression in the Lariophagus distinguendus species complex | |
02.30 pm | 43 | Yifan Pei Occasional paternal inheritance of the germline-restricted chromosome in songbirds | |
02.45 pm | 44 | Julius Rombach* Evolutionary transcriptomics of sociality in carrion beetles | |
03.00 pm | 45 | Maximilian Körner What makes him care? Unraveling male care behavioral syndromes in a simple family system | |
03.15 pm | 46 | Jacqueline Sahm Scent-sational drama: Larval chemical signals and their effect on maternal behavior | |
03.30 pm | 47 | NHamo Mutingwende* Exploring the condition-dependence of chemical alarm cues in a freshwater gastropod | |
03.45 pm | 48 | Daniel Schwarz Beyond mammals: The surprising complexity of chewing and other oropharyngeal processing mechanisms |
02.00 pm | 49 | Iulia Barutia* Life with long appendages: functional, kinetic and morphological adaptations in house centipedes | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS B2 |
02.15 pm | 50 | Thies H. Büscher | |
02.30 pm | 51 | Julian Thomas* Unravelling structural and mechanical properties of attachment pads in the stick insect Medauroidea extradentata | |
02.45 pm | 52 | Jeanne Wilbrandt | |
03.00 pm | 53 | Ana Zippel Diversity of mandibles of beetle larvae | |
03.15 pm | 54 | Isabelle Maiditsch Shedding X-ray light on the sound-induced motion patterns of hearing structures in fish, focusing on the saccular otolith in three catfish species | |
03.30 pm | 55 | Colin Hassenbach* Morphology and Foraging Behaviour in Ants: A Model for Future Functional Trait Studies | |
03.45 pm | 56 | Georg Brenneis Developmental gene expression patterns illuminate the evolutionary origin of the proboscis in sea spiders (Chelicerata, Pycnogonida) |
02.00 pm | 57 | Anna Torgasheva Keep or lose: Inheritance and elimination of songbird germline-restricted chromosome | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö1 |
02.15 pm | 58 | Sarah Bank Expanding the phasmatodean tree of life: new insights from targeted enrichment in stick and leaf insects | |
02.30 pm | 59 | Svetlana Gruetzke* Crabs on Crete: How apparent taxonomic contradictions led to new paleobiogeographical insights in the Aegean region | |
02.45 pm | 60 | Matteo Putignano* Small worms, big surprises: Uncovering Hidden Diversity within the genus Amphiglena (Sabellidae: Annelida) | |
03.00 pm | 61 | Ekin Tilic Dusting Off the Phylogeny of Feather Dusters | |
03.15 pm | 62 | Lea von Berg* InsectMow - Development and Evaluation of insect- and spider-friendly mowing techniques | |
03.30 pm | 63 | Benjamin Naumann Foetal adaptations to matrotrophic viviparity in the Nimba toad revealed by grating-base phase contrast | |
03.45 pm | 64 | Maximilian Stüwe* A Burden to be a fish? - Riedl’s Burden tested using Anatomical Networks and heterochrony analyses of the actinopterygian cranium |
02.00 pm | 65 | Janka Plate* Costly Courtship: Condition Dependence of a Multimodal Courtship Signal in a Parasitoid Wasp | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Lecture hall HS Ö2 |
02.15 pm | 66 | Paul Huber* Leaving No One Behind – Social Dispersal in a burying beetle | |
02.30 pm | 67 | Tobias Prüser* Social environment effects the substantial individual variation in clock-controlled behaviour of Tribolium castaneum | |
02.45 pm | 68 | Susanne Dobler ABCB transporters and the transport network for sequestered cardenolides | |
03.00 pm | 69 | The planned talk was unfortunately cancelled | |
03.15 pm | 70 | Jan Phillipp Geißel* Trends in early larval traits and responses to chronic vs. acute exposure across a latitudinal gradient: the European shore crab Carcinus maenas | |
03.30 pm | 71 | Noé Espinosa-Novo How to succeed in novel habitats? Successful development through alternative pathways | |
03.45 pm | 72 | Attila Placido Sachslehner The evolution of cornified skin appendages was associated with the origin and loss of transglutaminases in vertebrates |
Posters with odd and even numbers will be pitched. All poster pitch participants will line up ten minutes before the scheduled time according to the pitch sequence. They have exactly 60 seconds to pitch, after which a bell will be rung to indicate the start of the next pitch. The supporting slides will be projected on the screen. | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Audimax |
Friday, September 13th

Philipp Engel Specialized gut microbiota-host interactions in social bees More Information | University of Hohenheim Chair:

Lena Wilfert Bees, bugs and pollination: How global change can affect population health and disease ecology? More Information | University of Hohenheim Chair:
| University of Hohenheim
Developmental Biology | University of Hohenheim
Systematic, Biogeography Diversity | University of Hohenheim
Ecology | University of Hohenheim
Evolutionary Biology
| University of Hohenheim
Morphology | University of Hohenheim
Behavioral Biology | University of Hohenheim
Physiology | University of Hohenheim
Gemeinsam mit der Philosophin und Initiatorin Amrei Bahr werden wir den Hintergrund der #IchBinHanna Initiative und gegenwärtige Situation Rund um das WissZeitVG besprechen und Lösungsvorschläge und Reformansätze diskutieren. | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Audimax |
Please take a coffee and have some snacks! | University of Hohenheim |
03.00 pm | 73 | Max S. Farnworth Distinct selection regimes shaping the evolution of integrative centres in the brains of Heliconiini butterflies | Neurobiology | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Audimax |
03.15 pm | 74 | Nico Posnien Natural variation in apoptosis control underlies intraspecific eye size differences in Drosophila melanogaster | Developmental Biology | |
03.30 pm | 75 | Alexander Kupfer Evolutionary implications of “lactation” in a non-mammalian vertebrate | Systematic, Biogeography & Diversity | |
03.45 pm | 28 | Joachim Ruther | Ecology | |
04.00 pm | 77 | Nora Schulz The impact of niche construction on the adaptation to bacterial pathogens in flour beetles | Evolutionary Biology | |
04.15 pm | 78 | Benjamin Wipfler Evolution of the hexapod tracheal system | Morphology | |
04.30 pm | 79 | Patrick Schultheiss Fine-scale navigation: searching ants are guided by the visual environment | Behavioural Biology | |
04.45 pm | 80 | Christina Böhringer Analysis of the DUOX pathway in Tribolium castaneum | Physiology |
DZG General Meeting and Closing | University of Hohenheim BIO Building Audimax |
Closing Event with Awarding Ceremony of the Student Awards | State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart |