We are glad to invite you to the 116th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG). This year's meeting will take place in Stuttgart at the University of Hohenheim from September 9th to 13th, 2024.
It will focus on current research topics related to interdisciplinary biodiversity, ecological evolutionary developmental biology (eco-evo-devo-holo) and the intestinal microbiology of animals in the context of function and evolution. Zoologists, researchers, young academics and DZG members from related disciplines with national and international backgrounds are expected to attend. This is a great opportunity to connect with each other and share your expertise by presenting a talk or a poster.
We are looking forward to gain insights into the projects of our internationally renowned Plenary Speakers:
- Philipp Engel
University of Lausanne, Switzerland - Anne-Claire Fabre
Natural History Museum Bern, Switzerland - Rudolf Meier
Natural History Museum Berlin, Germany - Walter Salzburger
University of Basel, Switzerland - Oleg Simakov
University of Vienna, Austria - Lena Wilfert
University of Ulm, Germany
Five Satellite Symposia allow us to dive into the world of the various scientific fields of zoology:
- Plasticity and trait variability
Ecology - Chitinous structures in ecdysozoan species
Physiology - Integrative Taxonomy
Systematics, Biogeography and Diversity - Museomics
Big data in natural history collections - Predator-prey interactions
The Round Table Discussion #IchBinHanna will provide you an open space to talk about the homonymous social media protest campaign against the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act. In this discussion we are glad to welcome Amrei Bahr, one of the initiators of the protest campaign.
The Multidisciplinary Session brings together various subdisciplines from the broad field of zoology.
The Public Lecture by Sylvia Cremer is free of charge for all interested. She will give us insights into the field of Social immunity. How is collective and cooperative disease defense achieved within social groups, in particular the colonies of social insects like ants, bees and termites? How do the individual immune systems of group members and their joint nest hygiene, mutual grooming, infection treatment and social distancing interact to achieve protection of the group?
Above all, the Scientific Program offers numerous researchers the opportunity to share their results and network with other scientists within the same field and across disciplines.
At the end of the conference, a Closing event will bring together all participants at the Museum am Schloss Rosenstein.
The 116th DZG meeting is intended to set a good example and provide future perspectives on how our world can be made more sustainable and biodiverse. With this in mind, the hosts of this meeting have consciously paid attention to sustainability aspects when designing the event.
The Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa) is hosting the 116th DZG annual meeting in Stuttgart, Hohenheim. Accordingly, we are looking forward to welcome you and like to point out to the members of this still young competence center and their projects dealing with integrative taxonomy and biodiversity.
Join us in celebrating the 116th annual meeting of the DZG with many stimulating scientific insights and lively discussions within our growing zoological community!
We are looking forward to welcome you in Stuttgart at the University of Hohenheim and the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History!