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Registration and submission of abstracts (talk or poster) are open now.

Your advantage as a DZG member

Members pay a reduced participation fee!

Please note that the registration as a DZG member is only possible if you are a member of the society. Please have your membership ID ready for the registration process.

For joining the DZG, please read the DZG membership information!

For invited speakers & award winners

Invited speakers of the Welcome Session, the Plenary Lectures, the Public talk, or the subject group sessions, as well as award winners don't have to register!

The organizers will handle your registration and inform you about the details.

Only the invited speakers of the Satellite symposia are expected to register.

You have any questions?

Deadlines & registration fees

             DZG Member         Non-Member       DZG-student   student Non-Member

Early Bird
until 14-06-2024
until 28-06-2024

325 €365 €135 €175 €

15-06 – 14-08-2024

380 €460 €190 €270 €

15-08-2024 onward      

430 €500 €230 €310 €
One-day fee160 €160 €135 €135 €


Registration and payment will be handled with the services provided by Converia GmbH, 99423 Weimar. When registering for the congress, the General Terms and Conditions are accepted and bindingly apply.

Payment Methods
Payment can be made by credit card, PayPal or by bank transfer.

Please note that payment via bank transfer is only possible until 14th of August. For paying by bank transfer, you will receive a weblink via Email to download your invoice documents in PDF-Format.

After completion of registration and payment, you will receive a weblink via Email to download your confirmation of payment, your confirmation of registration and your ticket in PDF-Format. For the conference please bring your ticket, it will be scanned at the welcome desk.

You can also check your booking information or do further bookings by log-in with your userdata.

Please note: When registering for example as early bird, the payment-process needs to be completed before the deadline runs out (bank transfer can take a few days). If payment is received too late, the higher fee automatically aplies for the registration and you will receive a new invoice subsequently.

Cancellation Policy
For all cancellations received until August 9th 2024, a cancellation fee of 50% of the registration fee applies. After this date, no refunds will be made for any cancellations, and accordingly the demand for full payment of the registration fees remains. Bank administration and credit card fees will not be refunded.

Guidelines for your Contribution

To apply for presenting a talk or a poster you need to submit an abstract.

Please note that abstracts for the main conference part need to be submitted via the registration link.

Abstracts for a contribution for the satellite symposia need to be submitted via email to the chairs. For details, please read the information about the satellite symposia.

The abstract should contain a maximum of 300 words.

Please note, it's not possible to upload files.

The submission deadline is June 30th, 2024. 

The submission deadline was extended to July 5th, 2024.

  • Your poster should be in DIN A0 format (max. 841 x 1189 mm, portrait), printed on paper.
  • The poster should have a title, illustrate your research and show the authors and affiliation (presenting author underlined and bold).
  • Poster stripes are provided.
  • There will be two Poster Sessions. You will be assigned to one of the Poster Sections and potentially to a Poster Pitch.
    Check out the website for your poster and poster pitch number!
  • During your poster session section, present your poster to the interested audience.
  • Please put up your poster on Tuesday at 7 pm during the connecting scientist event. Alternatively, you can also put it up independently. The posters will remain in the Mensa throughout the conference.
    They need to be taken down on Friday before 1 pm.
  • The Poster Pitch provides the opportunity to present your research in 60 seconds right before the Poster sessions. Please know, that the slots for the poster pitches are limited. We will announce whether your poster will be accepted shortly before the conference on the Poster pitch page.
  1. Each poster presenter will be allowed exactly 1 minute to pitch his poster.
  2. All poster pitch participants should line up ten minutes before the scheduled time according to the pitch sequence in the Audimax.
  3. The supporting slides will be projected on the screen, in the order mentioned below. 
  4. One power point slide (saved as pdf) is allowed which needs to contain the following information:

    Powerpoint size: 4 : 3
    Poster session / poster number in left upper corner 
    Authors (presenting author underlined and bold) and affiliation
    Information you consider most important provided in figures and minimal figure legends
  5. If a participant does not provide a pitch slide before the deadline, a blank slide will be placed for their sequence.

The file has to be sent before 29th of August 2024 by email to dzg2024@uni-hohenheim.de.