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Predator-prey interactions: From behavioral tactics to morphological adaptations

Subject Group Morphology

Mon | September 9th, 2024
09.30 am – 08.00 pm

University of Hohenheim
BIO building
Lecture hall HS B


Predation is an important interaction in nature. While predators strive to spatially overlap with prey, prey do their best to avoid predators.

Predators are equipped with specific morphologies, like teeth and claws, to hunt efficiently and use a variety of hunting tactics, like ambushing prey. Prey, in contrast, avoid predation by different means, like camouflage, or producing toxic materials, or protect themselves using adjusted morphology (like spines).

The symposium will focus on invertebrates, and will be open to all aspects of predator-prey interactions, predator tactics to hunt prey, and prey tactics to avoid predation. We will focus on behavioral and morphological adaptation but will be also open to other fields of study, such as physiology or population dynamics.

Keynote speakers will be:

  • Carita Lindstedt-Kareksela
    University of Helsinki, Finnland
  • Stano Pekar
    Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • Ralph Tollrian
    Ruhr Universität, Germany
  • Philipp Barden
    New Jersy Institute of Technology, USA

Furthermore, YOU have the opportunity to contribute a talk (15-minutes slots) or a poster on your topic related to this symposium. The event promises loads of opportunities to interact, socialise, and connect with people sharing similar interests.

    Registration fee

    20 €

    Make sure to include our satellite symposium during your registration!

    Organisational matters

    Lunch individually
    04.00 pm – 04.30 pm Coffee break

    Following the registration, please send your abstract (max. 350 words) per email
    to Inon Scharf and Sebastian Büsse and indicated talk or poster!

    If you have questions, feel free to ask!

    We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you in Hohenheim.


    Inon Scharf
    Tel Aviv University
    School of Zoology, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, Faculty of Life Sciences

    Sebastian Büsse
    Universität Greifswald
    Cytology and Evolutionary Biology, Zoological Institute and Museum

    Supported by