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Poster Pitch

  1. Each poster presenter will be allowed exactly 1 minute to pitch their poster.
  2. Only one power point slide (saved as pdf) is allowed which needs to contain the following information:
  • Powerpoint size must be standard 4:3
  • Poster session /poster number in left upper corner
  • Title
  • Authors (presenting author underlined and bold) and affiliation
  • Information you consider most important provided in figures and minimal figure legends

     3. The file must be send before 1st of September 2023 by email to dzg2023@uni-kassel.de 

         No last-minute slides will be accepted

Poster regulations

Posters should be in DIN A0 format (max. 841 x 1189 mm,portrait), paper or textile fabric.

Poster pins are provided.

All posters should be put up at the beginning of the conference, the earliest on Monday morning, remaining up throughout the conference, and need to be taken down on Friday before 7 pm. There will be two poster sessions. You will be assigned to one poster session and poster pitch per email. During your poster session you need to be at your poster.

Allposter presenters (PhD students, post-docs, recently established professors) at the DZG 2023 conference should also participate in one min orals during their respectively assigned poster pitch, either Wednesday or Thursday (see program for time slots). For the 1 min oral, please follow the template provided below.