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Posters ODD and EVEN will be pitched in one Pitch-Session on Thursday at 04.15 pm.

Directly after the Poster Pitch, the poster presenters will be at their poster in the Mensa and are open for questions.

List of posters within the ...

No.Pitch/Poster numberName Title
1D03Moses Kitilit Kibet*Silencing of β-catenin1 blocks tail regeneration, but does not induce head regeneration in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano
2D05Joshua Huster*Predator induced cellular plasticity in Daphnia longicephala antennules
3D07Laura Klink*Hedgehog signaling, apical constriction and cilia dynamics in the patterning and segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain
4D09Mariia Golden*Morphogenetic roles of extraembryonic structures in red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum
5N04Anna StöcklBumblebees trade off costs and benefits of multi-cue learning and decision-making in a foraging task
6N11Frederice Hilgendorf*Isogenic vs. non-isogenic crayfish: Establishing a microCT based pipeline to compare variability in numbers of olfactory glomeruli
7S14Kyle W. GrayTeaching integrative taxonomy using case-based learning: revising Vanuatuan ants in the Pheidole sexspinosa species complex
8Ec35Leonie Oswald*Effect of fluctuations in CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) on the development of predator-induced defenses in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia longicephala
9Ec37Levin Balci*Medium-term effect of mowing on spiders (Araneae) in agricultural grassland
10Ev51Dominik Periša*How gene accessibility orchestrates defenses in a freshwater gastropod
11Ev55Xuejing Hu*Recurring phenotypic loss, the evolutionary origins and developmental plasticity of scopae in bees
12Ev59Jose Borrero*Changes in visual acuity and sensory weighting reflects patterns of neural investment during ecological divergence in Heliconius butterflies.
13Ev40Volker NehringPhoretic Poecilochirus Mites use Methyl-Alkanes as Kairomones to Identify their Burying Beetle Hosts
14Ev42Jeanne WilbrandtLove your data
15B39Jana Deutsch*Goats who stare at Rotating Snakes: Do dwarf goats perceive motion illusions?
16B41Linda Brinkmann*Daphnia Dating- Fertility of Daphnia magna females affects the behaviour of Daphnia magna males
17M49Christine Kiesmüller*Ecology in deep time: Morphological specialisations of predatory and anti-predator strategies of insects in the fossil record
18M36Isabelle MaiditschExploring moving fish hearing structures: Tomographic Imaging using an experimental standing wave tube-like setup and its implications for aquatic research
19M47Sarah Becker*Function of D. longicephala’s defensive crest thwarting Notonecta
20P26Marius J. BeckInvestigations on the Sex-Dependence of DIPA-CRISPR in Tribolium castaneum
21P28Amanda A. WiesenthalMetabolite profiling reveals energetic and osmoregulatory differences in Mytilus spp. populations from different salinity habitats
22P44Bettina ZeisThe role of oxygen for the thermo-tolerance of Daphnia magna

* Student Talk (eligible for the Student Awards)

  1. Each poster presenter will be allowed exactly 1 minute to pitch his poster.
  2. All poster pitch participants should line up ten minutes before the scheduled time according to the pitch sequence in the Audimax.
  3. The supporting slides will be projected on the screen, in the order mentioned below. 
  4. One power point slide (saved as pdf) is allowed which needs to contain the following information:

    Powerpoint size: 4 : 3
    Poster session / poster number in left upper corner 
    Authors (presenting author underlined and bold) and affiliation
    Information you consider most important provided in figures and minimal figure legends
  5. If a participant does not provide a pitch slide before the deadline, a blank slide will be placed for their sequence.

The file has to be sent before 29th of August 2024 by email to dzg2024@uni-hohenheim.de.