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Posters will be presented in two sessions. Posters with ODD numbers will be presented on Thursday at 04.45 pm, posters with EVEN numbers on Thursday at 06.15 pm.

Directly before the Poster Sessions, the posters will be presented in the Poster Pitch in the Audimax.

List of posters within the ...

No.Pitch/Poster numberName Title
1D03Moses Kitilit Kibet*Silencing of β-catenin1 blocks tail regeneration, but does not induce head regeneration in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano
2D05Joshua Huster*Predator induced cellular plasticity in Daphnia longicephala antennules
3D07Laura Klink*Hedgehog signaling, apical constriction and cilia dynamics in the patterning and segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain
4D09Mariia Golden*Morphogenetic roles of extraembryonic structures in red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum
5N11Frederice Hilgendorf*Isogenic vs. non-isogenic crayfish: Establishing a microCT based pipeline to compare variability in numbers of olfactory glomeruli
6S13Christopher Schreier*A multidisciplinary approach to determine the biodiversity and phylogeography of Tasmania's freshwater isopods (Phreatoicidea).
7S15Ia Atzimba Toledano Carrasco*Redescription of Cyclograpsus escondidensis Rathbun, 1933 assessing its inclusion within the family Sesarmidae Dana, 1851 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Sesarmidae)
8S17D. Mera-Rodríguez*Integrative approach resolves the convoluted taxonomy of leaf-cutting ants in the Acromyrmex octospinosus species complex
9S61Sofia T. Zeisig*Oasen der Vielfalt - Friedhöfe als strukturreiche Biotope urbaner Biodiversität
10S63Jonathan Brandstetter*Integrative taxonomy is the key: Investigation of the unknown bee fauna of the Gargano region, Apulia, Italy.
11S65Abdullah Ahmed*You can only protect what you know: A taxonomic students project on pollination networks of wild bees
12Ec19Carolina Ortiz Movliav*When winters get warmer: Impact of increased winter temperatures on body condition of overwintering A. bruennichi spiderlings (Arachnida: Aranae)
13Ec21Christopher Winkler*Cuticular hydrocarbon plasticity does not affect chemotype stability in an insect using polymorphic CHC profiles for sexual communication
14Ec23Marvin Schmid*Interaction of Bryacis puncticollis (Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) with Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
15Ec25Alexander Krüger*Do coexisting fruits flies form species-specific symbiont microbial communities?
16Ec27Alexandra Mir Davood Bernal*Do Drosophila larvae have chemical control over their microbial symbionts?
17Ec29Huizhen Chao*Differential adaptation strategies of bacteria and fungi in earthworm gut under diverse litter support the paradox of enrichment hypothesis
18Ec31Frida Pallapies*Influences of the antidepressant Sertraline on the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna
19Ec33Alexander Rogalla*Establishment of a bioassay to investigate predator-induced escape behaviour of macroinvertebrates in riverine ecosystems
20Ec35Leonie Oswald*Effect of fluctuations in CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) on the development of predator-induced defenses in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia longicephala
21Ec37Levin Balci*Medium-term effect of mowing on spiders (Araneae) in agricultural grassland
22B39Jana Deutsch*Goats who stare at Rotating Snakes: Do dwarf goats perceive motion illusions?
23B41Linda Brinkmann*Daphnia Dating- Fertility of Daphnia magna females affects the behaviour of Daphnia magna males
24M43Robin Saulnier Masson*Ontogenetic development of the shoulder joint and forelimb muscles in Xenopus tropicalis (Gray, 1864)
25M45Amelie Mann*New insights on the biodiversity and distribution of Xanthidae on the East African Coast
26M47Sarah Becker*Function of D. longicephala’s defensive crest thwarting Notonecta
27M49Cristine Kiesmüller*Ecology in deep time: Morphological specialisations of predatory and anti-predator strategies of insects in the fossil record
28Ev51Dominik Periša*How gene accessibility orchestrates defenses in a freshwater gastropod
29Ev53Ana Sofia Torres Lara*Latitudinal Variation and Urban Evolution of Seasonal Plasticity
30Ev55Xuejing Hu*Recurring phenotypic loss, the evolutionary origins and developmental plasticity of scopae in bees
31Ev57Ronja Reinisch*Recurrent genomic dynamics linked to parallel evolution of secondary phytophagy in Hymenoptera
32Ev59Jose Borrero*Changes in visual acuity and sensory weighting reflects patterns of neural investment during ecological divergence in Heliconius butterflies.
No.Pitch/Poster numberName Title
33D02Bernard MoussianTiming of chitin/chitosan assembly in insects
34N04Anna StöcklBumblebees trade off costs and benefits of multi-cue learning and decision-making in a foraging task
35N06Giulia Di CristinaPioneering Genome Editing in Stick Insects: CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Genetic Modifications in Medauroidea extradentata
36S08Jörn von DöhrenMitogenomics in Nemertea – uncovering the diversity of basal branches
37S10Thies H. BüscherDiversity of heelwalking: attachment systems in Mantophasmatodea
38S12Dietrich GotzekMolecular phylogeny of fire ants: Implications for social evolution
39S14Kyle W. GrayTeaching integrative taxonomy using case-based learning: revising Vanuatuan ants in the Pheidole sexspinosa species complex
40Ec16Gabriele UhlWhen winters get warmer - effects on metabolism and fatty acids in overwintering A. bruennichi spiderlings (Arachnida, Araneae)
41Ec18Borbála SzabóNon-linear effects of fungicide on Collembola reproduction and microbiota
42B20Wolfram SchulzeA fish that escapes towards a looming-disk stimulus
43B22Christian NawrothManyGoats - an initiative to promote open and reproducible research on goat behaviour and welfare
44P24Christian MüllerDiversity of hirudins and hirudin-like factors in Hirudo troctina, the North-African medicinal leech
45P26Marius J. BeckInvestigations on the Sex-Dependence of DIPA-CRISPR in Tribolium castaneum
46P28Amanda A. WiesenthalMetabolite profiling reveals energetic and osmoregulatory differences in Mytilus spp. populations from different salinity habitats
47P44Bettina ZeisThe role of oxygen for the thermo-tolerance of Daphnia magna
48M30Patrick BeckersDoes sessility simplify nervous systems? A case study in Annelida
49M32Andy SombkeMorphology and ultrastructure of tarsal organs in Scutigera coleoptrata (Chilopoda)
50M34John A. NyakaturaForm and Function of the Neck-Trunk Boundary in Artiodactyls
51M36Isabelle MaiditschExploring moving fish hearing structures: Tomographic Imaging using an experimental standing wave tube-like setup and its implications for aquatic research
52M38Martin HorstmannEffects of inducible defences and environmental factors in Daphnia predator-prey interaction
53Ev40Volker NehringPhoretic Poecilochirus Mites use Methyl-Alkanes as Kairomones to Identify their Burying Beetle Hosts
54Ev42Jeanne WilbrandtLove your data

* Student Talk (eligible for the Student Awards)

  • Your poster should be in DIN A0 format (max. 841 x 1189 mm, portrait), printed on paper.
  • The poster should have a title, illustrate your research and show the authors and affiliation (presenting author underlined and bold).
  • Poster stripes are provided.
  • There will be two Poster Sessions. You will be assigned to one of the Poster Sections and potentially to a Poster Pitch.
    Check out the website for your poster and poster pitch number!
  • During your poster session section, present your poster to the interested audience.
  • Please put up your poster on Tuesday at 7 pm during the connecting scientist event. Alternatively, you can also put it up independently. The posters will remain in the Mensa throughout the conference.
    They need to be taken down on Friday before 1 pm.
  • The Poster Pitch provides the opportunity to present your research in 60 seconds right before the Poster sessions. Please know, that the slots for the poster pitches are limited. We will announce whether your poster will be accepted shortly before the conference on the Poster pitch page.