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Museomics: the use of big data in natural history collections

Mon | September 9th, 2024
09.00 am – 04.30 pm

State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart
Museum am Löwentor
Lecture hall


This symposium aims to explore the transformative impact of big data analyses on natural history collections, focusing on genomics, morphology, AI, and more. The symposium seeks to create a dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas and insights surrounding big data applications in natural history collections. By spotlighting new methods and the contributions of young researchers, we aim to foster engaging discussions that not only showcase the cutting-edge work within these fields but also inspire collaborative efforts to address challenges and push the boundaries of research.

Highlights of the program

  • Mozes Blom, Natural History Museum Berlin
    Genomic Methods in Collections
  • Dennis Rödder, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change
    Species Distributions over Time
  • Quentin Martinez, Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History
    3D Morphology of Collections
  • Thomas van de Kamp, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Roundtable on the Role of machine learning and AI
  • Visits to Collections:
    As part of the symposium experience, participants will have the unique opportunity to explore the entomology and paleontology collections at SMNS. These visits provide a hands-on experience, offering an immersive understanding of the collections that form the backbone of our research

The keynote talks will be followed by talks from selected speakers. We especially encourage applications from early career researchers!

Registration fee

11 €

Make sure to include our satellite symposium during your registration!

Target Audience

Our symposium welcomes a maximum of 40 participants, with an interest in the intersection of big data and natural history. Researchers, scientists, postdocs, young group leaders, and PhD students will find a stimulating environment for networking, learning, and contributing to the vibrant discussions

Following the registration, please send your abstract per email to museomicsSMNSgmailcom!

We look forward to welcoming you to this insightful symposium, where collaboration and exploration come together to shape the future of natural history research.


Ricardo Pereira
State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart

Alexander Kupfer
State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart

Supported by